Auslandsjahr in den USA – Ein Bericht von Sarah Gamper (4TS3)

Auslandsjahr in den USA – Ein Bericht von Sarah Gamper (4TS3)

“I am doing my exchange year in the small town of Calumet, in Upper Michigan. Living here sometimes actually feels like living in a typical American High School movie. Going to an American High School, meeting lots of new people, being part of the Cheerleading squad, experiencing the so-called “High School Spirit”, eating all the delicious American food, celebrating all their traditions and visiting great places really is lots of fun.

February kind of went by fast. Since the 24th I am here for already 6 months, time is flying!

This month was packed with a lot of sport activities. I am in the Cheerleading team and we are cheering at boys & girls, which is great fun. We had around 4 to 5 games a week, so I was always busy. School is going really good and I enjoy it a lot, we are luckily still in person. There are still a lot of Corona cases, but more and more people are getting vaccinated now, for example all teachers in my school already got it.

And winter here is really cold, in the morning the temperature is usually around -15° to -20°C, sometimes it stays as cold even in the afternoon! We got lots of snow, which I was happy about😊❄️

Going on exchange was a great idea and I am glad that I had the opportunity and took it!”

Sarah Gamper 4TS3