Projekt “Schools beyond Regions and Borders”: 3TS4 nimmt an einer Reihe von sehr interessanten Online-Konferenzen in englischer Sprache teil!

Projekt “Schools beyond Regions and Borders”: 3TS4 nimmt an einer Reihe von sehr interessanten Online-Konferenzen in englischer Sprache teil!

Im Rahmen des Projekts “Schools beyond Regions and Borders” nimmt die Klasse 3TS4 an einer Reihe von sehr interessanten Online-Konferenzen in englischer Sprache teil!

We, the class 3TS4 of the Euregio-direction of the FOS “Marie Curie” Meran, have been participating in the project “Schools Beyond Regions and Borders” (2021-2023) since October 2021.  It was launched in February 2021 with the support of the region “Trentino – Alto Adige/Südtirol”, the University of Trento and the “Fondazione Bruno Kessler” and others. Schools from other parts of Europe such as Germany, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Ireland are also taking part in the project. The general aim is to promote interaction and mutual understanding between European students and teachers. The main topic this year is to encourage respect for minorities. Accordingly, our first lecture was called “100 years of Sarajevo”. Did you know that Bosnia-Herzegovina is divided into two semi-autonomous regions and that there are three main ethnic groups, (bosniaks, serbs, and croats) and 17 minorities? Or that they have three different presidents and one of the most complicated systems of government? (We did not know that either!) For these reasons, Bosnia-Herzegovina is a mixed community which each of the groups unfortunately having different intentions. Recently, headlines like “Bosnia is in danger of breaking up” have alarmed European officials as the prospects for further division and conflict are very real. We are now looking forward to the next seminar which will further explore “the case of Tirol”.